Holistic Body-Centred Therapy
Restore wellbeing by transforming deeply held limiting beliefs and by building safety, resilience and freedom within
The aim of Body-Centred Therapy is to work through and transform deeply held patterns of conditioning and limiting beliefs so you can find ease, restore wellbeing and live a more free and authentic life.
Our behaviours are the result of our deeply held, core beliefs that are a result of family background, childhood, traumas and life events. If you are feeling physically, emotionally or mentally unbalanced, it can often be the result of holding of limiting thoughts and patterns, not yet brought to your conscious mind.
Body-Centred Therapy sessions work directly with unconscious patterns through experiential techniques, somatic awareness and trauma release exercises to uncover unconscious beliefs and behaviours that impact our relationship with ourselves, others, and the world.
About the Session
The Body-centred therapy sessions are a blend of Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy, Psychosomatic Therapy and Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE®). These are offered in a way to best suit your needs and capacities at a given time. The process works with direct experience, leading to rapid change and enabling the re-establishment of healthy patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
Body-centred Therapy and the Treatment of Trauma
Trauma is an experience that we have that overwhelms our capacity to cope. Trauma treatment is not about telling stories from the past. Trauma treatment is about helping you to be here now, to help you to tolerate what you feel and experience right in the present. It is possible to unlearn the nervous systems response to trauma and learn how to tolerate and integrate traumatic memory, and to build powerful inner resources to prevent over stimulation and shutdown.
Working with what the body is telling
An advantage of body-centred therapy is we do not need many words. The body remembers. The body records everything. Whatever happened in the past your body holds the culmination of all those things and thus the body knows how to heal. Through allowing the impulses in the body, the body can process and find its own resolution.
Every session and session is highly personalised, dedicated to helping to support you to find the healing in you.
Initial (90min): $180/ session | Follow ups (60min): $160/ session
Payment can be done by cash or direct deposit.
A minimum of 24-hour’s notice is required for cancellations, otherwise the full session fee is charged.
Hakomi Mindful-Somatic Psychotherapy
The Hakomi principles and techniques help to change and transform ‘core material’ in a gentle but powerful way. Hakomi works directly with those very deep unconscious patters, leading to very rapid change and transformation, enabling long lasting freedom and wholeness.
Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE)
Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE®), is an innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. The exercises safely activate a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system.
Psychosomatic Therapy
Psychosomatic Therapy is a foundational tool for understanding how deeply held core beliefs are expressed in the physical body through patterns of posture, tension, injuries and diseases. This approach seeks to impart understanding and clarity around holding patters not yet brought to our conscious mind, so that we can treat or prevent psychosomatic discomfort through working on the roots of the issue.