Insight Meditation

Welcome to Still Water Insight

An Insight Meditation group that runs weekly meetings, practice days and retreats in NSW and online. If you are interested in experiencing the connection that can be found when practicing and sharing your journey with others, please come and join us and explore the dharma. 

About Still Water Insight Group

Renata is the co-founder of Still Water Insight, a lay Buddhist sangha community, formed with the intention of providing a respectful space where we can practice Insight Meditation together. Insight (Vipassana) in the Buddhist tradition means to see clearly into the nature of existence.

The group aims to provide a safe container to explore our inner experience and learn about the patterns of thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs that continue to create pain and suffering in our lives. Additionally, it seeks to foster insights and facilitate a reconnection with our true nature.

We offer a two-hour, weekly meeting of non-judgemental, supportive, curious people who have come together from different backgrounds and experiences. We are connected by having compassion for people and our planet, and we often find that we have much more in common than we think.

Stay connected @stillwaterinsight_

Work with Renata


  • ‘Renata is a gifted teacher and I like very much the way she tunes in to an individual's response and honour that, whilst giving back what might be a good offering for them as well.

    I can see that Renata has studied the dharma extensively and it is fab to be the recipient of this specialised knowledge. I love the space and authenticity in her teachings as well as inclusion of relevance to trauma and the unconscious as related to processing deep feelings. I also really enjoyed the class on The Inner Critic!

    It seems to me that she lives what she teaches. It is so wonderful to experience that.’

    Deborah B.