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  • Upper Body Stretch for Fascia Release
    • 1/11/24

    Upper Body Stretch for Fascia Release

    The fascia is a fibrous connective tissue web that extends into every structure and system of the body – from the lungs and heart to the digestive organs and in endocrine glands. It plays a key role in how we experience stress, heal from trauma and our overall sense of wellbeing.

  • Exercises for Fascia Release using a Foam Roller
    • 1/11/24

    Exercises for Fascia Release using a Foam Roller

    Our fascia is a connective tissue that is not only responsible for holding our muscles and organs together, but it is also directly related to our overall sense of physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing due to its connection to our brain and the vagus nerve.

  • What Embodiment means and why it matters
    • 1/11/24

    What Embodiment means and why it matters

    In this video I speak about the meaning of ‘embodiment’ in the context of empowerment and awakening.